Friday, February 11, 2011

Late bedtime seriously damage health

Repeatedly we wrote how useful for human health is sleep. Besides one of the fundamental prerequisites for recovery of the body, it is very important for mental stability and beautiful appearance.

But what happens when you do not provide it in sufficient quantities?

Insufficient sleep increases risk of heart attack and stroke, concluded the results of British research.

The study of Francesco Capucilli and his colleagues at the University of Warwick has covered 470 000 persons from eight countries.

The survey data show that sleep, sleep late, getting up early, and various sleep disturbances are "time bomb" for health.

The researchers found that night sleep duration less than six hours increased by 50 percent risk of heart attack and a 15 percent risk of stroke. Insomnia increases by 12 percent the risk of premature death.

Insufficient sleep leads to the release of stress hormones and other chemicals in the body, which damage the cardiovascular system. The researchers noted that long sleep is not good for health.

The optimum amount is 7-8 hours and must be taken into account individual needs.

"Sleep is a guarantee of longevity. Sleep as you need to stay healthy, experts advise.

Perhaps advice like "Do not sleep through life," May not the most wise. Do you sleep - no compromises.

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